Restricted A164-0CG-1.00-2
Chapter 2: Configuring Win for the
This chapter describes how to configure the WESDAC Interface Node (WIN) for the BECO2200
DCA. The application number for WIN is B008. Refer to the WIN User’s Configuration Guide
for more information on how to configure WIN. The functionality of all points required by the
BECO2200 DCA is defined in the BECO2200 DCA Functional Specification.
2.1 WESDAC Point Allocation
WESDAC data point allocation is accomplished by specifying the required number of points in
the WIN configuration tables. Any points allocated to the BECO2200 DCA are maintained
solely by the BECO2200 DCA. This means the BECO2200 DCA is the only application that
may modify the value or the status of those points. All points allocated to the BECO2200 DCA
are initialized to off-line and not communicating. If the WESDAC table is in NVRAM, points
are initialized to the current value (state) in NVRAM. If the WESDAC table is in RAM, the
points are initialized to zero (off).
Number of points required
BECO 2200 M-0420
Binary Inputs 42
Binary Outputs 44+MDPC
Counters 38
Analog Input 281
Analog Outputs 78
Device Status 1
Table 2 Required Points BECO2200 Device