
Configuration Guide
GE Energy Services
Restricted A164-0CG-1.00-2
How this Guide is Organized
This guide is organized into the following sections:
Overview: The Overview discusses the general operation of the BECO2200 DCA.
Chapter 1: Configuration Tables provides general information on the configuration
tables required by the BECO2200 DCA.
Chapter 2: Configuring Win for the BECO2200 DCA details the WESDAC points
allocation required by the BECO2200 DCA.
Chapter 3: Configuring the A164APPL Table provides detailed information on
configuring the BECO2200 DCA application configuration table.
Chapter 4: Configuring the A164PORT Table provides detailed information on
configuring the BECO2200 DCA communication port configuration
Chapter 5: Configuring the A164UNIT Table provides detailed information on
configuring the BECO2200 DCA unit configuration table.
Chapter 6: Configuring the A164MODE Table provides detailed information on
configuring the BECO2200 DCA Mode Download Pseudo Control
configuration table.
Chapter 7: Configuring the A164DVCF Configuration Table provides detailed
information on configuring the BECO2200 DCA Device/Configuration
Map configuration table.
Chapter 8: Configuring the A164DTBL Configuration Table provides detailed
information on configuring the BECO2200 DCA Data Records
configuration table.
Appendix A: Messages Logged by the BECO2200 DCA lists all fatal, error, warning,
and information messages logged by the BECO2200 DCA. This section
also provides a definition of all output request return codes.