190-01255-00 Rev. B
Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
: Refer to the Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM) for engine operating limitations and corrective actions.
The Power Situation Indicator (PSI) and Dual Tachometer are shown as a group in the lower-left of the PFD,
and on the EIS - Engine Page of the MFD in a larger format.
Maximum Continuous
Power Operation Limit
Power Available Indicator
NG Readout
MGT Readout
Box Indicates Parameter
Controlling PSI Indicator
Figure 3-5 Power Situation Indicator Gauge and Dual Tachometer Gauge
NP Indicator
NR Readout
NR Indicator
Torque Readout
Power Available Gauge
Dual Tachometer
The PSI provides the pilot with the amount of power available based on engine torque (Q; shown as a
percentage), measured gas temperature (MGT, degrees Celsius, °C), and gas producer rotation speeds (NG;
shown as a percentage) with respect to operating limitations. A box is shown around the label for the readout
currently closest to its maximum continuous power (MCP) limits. This value also controls a pointer along a
numeric scale from 0 (no power) to 10 (MCP, shown with a red tick mark).
Operating limits are displayed along the PSI gauge and are adjusted dynamically in response to all parameters,
to show the range of pointer movement available beyond MCP before any parameter reaches the operating limit.
Green arcs indicate continuous operation ranges; yellow arcs indicate transient operating limits. A gray arc
becomes red if the Power Available Indicator enters this range; it indicates an exceedance is occurring.
In normal operations, the Power Available Indicator pointer will be the same color as the arc it is presently
within. If the FADEC is in manual mode and no engine exceedances are occurring, the pointer will be light blue
(instead of green). A gray pointer is displayed when an engine failure is detected while in-flight.
During engine start, a red triangle appears on the PSI arc when MGT is shown to correspond with MGT
starting limits, and remains displayed until the starter has been disengaged for 5 seconds.