Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
190-01255-00 Rev. B338
If theG1000H cannotcomplete a GFDSweather data request, oneor more messageswill appearin the
Weather Request
Status Message
Auto requests inhibited
Send manual request
to reset.
The system has disabled automatic weather data requests due to excessive errors. Automatic
weather data requests have stopped. Send a manual weather data request to resume automatic
Auto update retry: ##
The system will attempt another automatic weather data request after an error occurred during the
previous request. Timer counts down until the next automatic request occurs.
GFDS Comm Error [2] A communications error has occurred with the GDL59H or GIA. The G1000H should be serviced.
GFDS Comm Error [4] This occurs if multiple automatic weather data requests have recently failed, or the GDL 59 or a GIA
is off-line.
GFDS Comm Error [5] This can occur if the GDL 59H is off-line or not configured, or the Iridium or GFDS networks are not
accessible. Check Iridium signal strength. If this error persists, the G1000H should be serviced.
GFDS Comm Error [6] A communications error has occurred. It this error persists, the G1000H should be serviced.
GFDS Comm Error [7] A weather data transfer has timed out. Check Iridium signal strength and re-send the data request.
GFDS Comm Error [8] A server error has occurred or invalid data received.
GFDS Login Invalid There is a problem with the GFDS registration. Contact Garmin Flight Data Services at 1-866-739-
5687 in the United States or 913-397-8200, ext. 1135 for assistance.
GFDS Server
Temporarily Inop
The GFDS weather data server is temporarily out of service, but is expected to return to service in
less than 30 minutes.
GFDS Server Inop The GFDS weather data server will be out of service for at least 30 minutes.
Invalid Coverage Area The weather data request coverage area does not contain at least one of the following: a waypoint,
a flight plan, or a flight plan destination. Verify at least one of the coverage options is enabled
(checked) and contains required criteria, then re-send the data request.
NO GFDS Subscription The system is not be currently subscribed to GFDS, or the access code is incorrect. Verify the access
code. Contact Garmin Flight Data Services at 1-866-739-5687 in the United States or 913-397-
8200, ext. 1135 for assistance.
Reduce Request Area The GFDS weather data request area exceeds size limits. Reduce weather coverage area and re-
send data request.
Request Cancelled The user has cancelled a GFDS weather data request.
Requested area too
large. Reduce coverage
The size of the GFDS weather data request has exceeded limits. Reduce the size of the coverage area
and try the weather data request again.
Request Failed - Try
The weather data request timed-out. Re-send data request.
Transfer Preempted
The GDL 59H is busy. Retry request later.
Table 6-6 Abnormal GFDS Request Status Messages