190-01255-00 Rev. B
Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
ACC accuracy
ACT, ACTV active, activate
ADC air data computer
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADI Attitude Direction Indicator
AF Arc to fix
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System
AFRM airframe
AGL Above Ground Level
AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System
AIM Aeronautical Information Manual
AIRMET Airman’s Meteorological Information
ALRT alert
ALT altitude
ALT, ALTN alternator, alternate
AMPS amperes
ANNUNC annunciation
ANT antenna
AOPA Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association
AP autopilot
AP DISC autopilot disconnect
APR approach
APT airport, aerodrome
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARSPC airspace
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
ARV arrival
AS airspeed
ASB Aviation Support Branch
ASOS Automated Surface Observing System
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATCRBS ATC Radar Beacon System
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATK along-track
AUTOSEQ automatic sequence
AUX auxiliary
AWOS Automated Weather Observing System
B ALT barometric altitude
BARO barometric setting
BATT battery
BC backcourse
Bearing The compass direction from the present
position to a destination waypoint.
BFO beat frequency oscillator
BKSP backspace
BRG bearing
C center runway
ºC degrees Celsius
CA Course to Altitude
CALC calculator
Calibrated Airspeed Indicated airspeed corrected for
installation and instrument errors.
CD Course to DME distance
CDI Course Deviation Indicator
CDU Control Display Unit
CF Course to Fix
CHT Cylinder Head Temperature
CHKLIST checklist
CHNL channel
CI Course to Intercept
CLD cloud
CLR clear
cm centimeter
CNS Communication, Navigation, &
CO carbon monoxide
COM communication radio
CONFIG configuration
COOL coolant
COPLT co-pilot
Course The line between two points to be
followed by the aircraft.
Course to Steer The recommended direction to steer
in order to reduce course error or stay
on course. Provides the most efficient
heading to get back to the desired course
and proceed along the flight plan.
CR Course to Radial
CRG Cockpit Reference Guide
CRNT current
Crosstrack Error The distance the aircraft is off a desired
course in either direction, left or right.
CRS course
CRS Course to Steer
CRSR cursor
CTA Control Area
CTRL control
Cumulative The total of all legs in a flight plan.
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder
CVRG coverage
CWS control wheel steering
CYL cylinder
D ALT density altitude
DB, DBASE database
dBZ decibels ‘Z’ (radar return)
DCLTR, DECLTR declutter