190-01255-00 Rev. B
Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
The synchronization progress may be monitored on the AUX-System Status Page in the Sync Status section
of the Database Window (Figure B-8). This section shows the synchronization status of each applicable
database, including the percent complete, time remaining, and to which displays the databases are being
copied. When the synchronization is complete, the status is listed as ‘Complete’, followed by the displays to
which the databases were copied. This sub-section is only present when a sync is occurring or has occurred
on the current power-up.
An indication of ‘Complete’ still requires a power cycle before the synchronized databases will be used by
the system.
Figure B-8 AUX-System Status Page, Database Window
The Display Database Softkey (Figure B-11) is used to place the cursor in the Database Window. Upon
first press of the Display Database Softkey, the softkey will change to a selected state (black text on gray
background) and the cursor will appear in the Database Window. At this point the user can scroll through
all databases in the Database Window to view status information. If the Display Database Softkey is pressed
repeatedly, the softkey will switch between the PFD and MFD. Database status information in the Database
Window will reflect the database of the selected display. After a successful sync and restart, verify that the
proper databases are now in use on the AUX–System Status Page (Figure B-8).
If an error occurs during the synchronization, an error message will be displayed, followed by the affected
display in the Sync Status section of the Database Window (Figure B-9). If a synchronization completes on
one display, but an error occurs on another, the error message will be displayed with the affected diaplay
listed after it. When an error message (Table B-1) is displayed, the problem must be corrected before the
synchronization can be completed. A power cycle is required to restart synchronization when ‘Card Full’ or
‘Err’ is shown.
Figure B-9 Synchronization Error Message
‘Card Full’ Message