
1.2 Terminal Unit (PC) Operation
All operations are carried out from the terminal unit (local supply), through an
easy-to-follow menu system. In this manual the PC is referred to as “Terminal
Unit.” Note that it is necessary to supply a printer.
PC requirements
Operating system: Windows98, Windows 2000, Windows ME,
XP, or Vista
Memory: At least 32 MB
Free space in hard disk: At least 20 MB
CPU: Pentium 100 MHz or higher
Floppy disk drive
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countries used under license.
1.2.1 Starting, quitting the application
For information about terminal unit operation see the PC’s owner’s manual.
1. Turn on the communications unit.
2. Turn on the terminal unit.
3. Double-click the F16PC icon to start the application. After the program has
been loaded the standby display appears. For details about the standby
display see paragraph 1.3.
F16PC icon
Note: The example screens shown in this manual may not match the
screens you see on your display. The screen you see depends on your
system configuration and equipment settings.
4. To quit the application, press the [F12] key while pressing the [Alt] key. The
following display appears. (You may also quit the application by clicking the
Close button at the top right corner of the screen.)
OK to quit system?
Yes No
5. Press the [] key to choose Yes and then press the [Enter] key.
6. Turn off the terminal unit in accordance to Windows operating procedure.
7. Turn off the communications unit.
Note: If a different method is used to quit the application, any settings changed
before quitting will not be saved.