6.5 LES Information
Each time you log in LES data is automatically downloaded through the NCS
common channel to the FELCOM 16, and saved to the LES Information display.
You may view this display as follows:
1. Press the [F7] key to show the Option menu.
1. Login
2. Logout
3. Abort
4. Select NCS
5. Ocean Region
6. LES Information
7. Test
FELCOM 16 functions
as Inmarsat MES
1. Login
2. Logout
3. Abort
4. Select EGC Ch.
5. LES Information
6. Test
FELCOM 16 functions
as EGC receiver
Options menu
2. Press the [6] key (Inmarsat MES) or [5] key (EGC receiver) to show the LES
Information display.
LES ID Name Status Services TDM Ch.
201 Telenor S.S.Inc 11111000 AS-----EL 11982
202 Stratos M.N. 11111000 AS-----EL 11826
203 KDDI 11111000 AS-----EL 11806
204 Telenor S.S.AS 11111000 AS-----EL 11762
208 Korea Telecom 11111000 AS-----EL 11778
210 Singapore T. 11111000 AS-----EL 11842
211 Beijing Marine 11111000 AS-----EL 11754
212 Xantic (NED) 11111000 AS-----EL 11802
LES Information
From left in order B8 to B1
From left in order 1B8 to IB1, 2B8 to 2B1
If bit is 1 alphabet is displayed.
LES information display
3. Use the [↑] or [↓] key to scroll the list.
4. Press the [Esc] key twice to return to the standby display.
Description of LES information table
Bit No. Status Flag Meaning
1 600 bps B8 Return link speed
0 300 bps
1 Operational B7 Operational or spare satellite
0 Spare
1 In service B6 LES status
0 Out of service
1 Clear B5 LES status
0 Congested
1 Terrestrial links open B4 Used only by land earth stations
0 Terrestrial links closed
B3-1 Spare