
7.3.2 PV test procedure
1. Confirm that the communication unit is in idle condition and logged in.
2. Press the [F7] key to display the Options menu.
3. Press the [7] key to choose Test.
4. Press the [1] key to choose PV Test.
1. Login
2. Logout
3. Abort
4. Select NCS
5. Ocean Region
6. Test
1. PV Test
2. PV Test Result
3. Self Test
4. Distress Alarm Button Test
PV Test
PV test screen
5. Yes is selected; press the [Enter] key to transmit the PV test request to NCS.
1. Login
2. Logout
3. Abort
4. Select NCS
5. Ocean Region
6. Test
1. PV Test
2. PV Test Result
3. Self Test
4. Distress Alarm Button Test
Starting PV Test Process.
Press any key to escape.
PV Test
PV test screen
Note: If the terminal unit is not idle when the test is initiated, the screen
displays “Ignored: MES is not idle now. Cannot start PV Test.” And if
you are not logged in, “Ignored: MES is not Login. Please operate
Login.” appears.
6. Press the [Esc] key to return to the standby display.
7. The (automatic) testing sequence is as follows:
a) The screen displays “Current State: Idle (pending!)” when you receive the
acknowledge signal from the NCS.
b) When preparations for testing have been completed, “Current State:
TESTING” appears at the bottom of the screen. Further, the following
message appears.
Automatic test mode: Normal communication disabled.
Do not press any distress button unless you are in distress.
c) Receive a message from the LES. Send a test message to the LES.
d) Then, the distress alert test is automatically conducted after you have sent a
test message. Do not operate the equipment at this time.
e) When testing has been completed, “Current State: IDLE” appears at the
bottom of the screen.
8. The test results appear on the PV Test Result screen. See the next section
for how to interpret the results.