Message status list description
No.: Message number
Message File: File name. For no file name, “edit msg. 00X” appears (X =
number from 001-999).
Station: Name of remote party (recipient)
LES: The LES which received the message.
Priority: Normal only
Send Status: The transmission status from the MES (own ship) to the LES;
waiting or sending, and data and time of transmission for
messages transmitted.
Delivery: The delivery status from the LES to the recipient.
Complete: Message transmitted successfully
White space: Delivery status not yet received
Reason for no delivery:
OCC(002): Delivery tried (twice), but recipient busy.
ABS: Absent subscriber
BK: Message aborted
BMC:No end of message or end of transmission received
DER: Out of Order
DTE: Remote DTE clearing
EOS: Element of Service not subscribed (E-mail)
FMT: Format error
IAB: Invalid answerback
INC: Inconsistent Request (E-mail)
INF: Call the Network Information service
INV: Invalid Call
ITD: Awaiting delivery
LDE: Maximum message length exceeded
LPE: Local Procedure Error
NA: Access Barred
NC: Network Congestion
NCH: Subscriber’s number has been changed
NP: Not Obtainable
NRC: Reverse charging acceptance not subscribed
RIS: Recipient Improperly Specified (E-mail)
RDI: Redirected call
RPE: Remote Procedure Error
RSB: Retransmission still being attempted
TMD: Maximum number of addresses exceeded
UNK: Unknown status (for example when the Logical
channel number is zero)
Note: Some codes may not be used depending on LES.