Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Starting up
February 2015
Check the main display to ensure the duty, units and PV are correct, and that relays are on or off
according to the set points programmed. The cover may now be replaced (see “What to do after
completing the cabling” on page 16).
4.3 Final checks
Final checks
1. Check the display is reading correctly.
2. You may wish to check echo size again before re-fitting the enclosure lid.
3. Check that the cover seal is in place in the cover, and is good condition. It should not be
twisted or kinked in any way.
4. Carefully set the cover on the transmitter, and tighten the three cover screws equally to
seal the instrument.
5. Check that the cable gland is securely tightened and check sealing on the cable sheath.
4.4 Power failure
All parameters are held in EPROM memory. In the event of a power failure, or disconnection
from the power supply, the transmitter will remember all of it's last parameter values and will
resume correct operation once power is restored.