Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Appendix F: Configuring Using HART
February 2015
F.3.30 Pulse repeat (P041)
The nominal rate of repetition for ultrasonic pulses from the transmitter is one pulse per second.
If two transmitters were located within the same tank, it is possible this would allow ultrasonic
pulses from one unit to be received by the other. This can be prevented by having both
transmitters operate with different rates of pulse repetition, which means this interference is
rejected as not consistent (pulse-to-pulse). Pulse Repeat allows the pulse repetition interval to
be adjusted by increments of 0.1 seconds.
This parameter is not available in the MSP Series DD (Device Descriptor) file.
Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit
To view or change the pulse rate:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select SETUP.
2. Select the transmitter (e.g. “Tx1:MSP400RH”).
3. Select ENGINEERING, ADVANCED, and then Pulse Repeat.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to edit and save the new setting.
(Press the Enter ( ) key if prompted to change mode to “off-line”).
5. Select “Quit” to exit to the previous menu.
F.3.31 Echoes needed (P042)
Echoes Needed is used to avoid stirrers that give occasional high level signals when they
protrude from the liquid surface. The transmitter monitors the echoes returned from the liquid
surface or any other target within range.
A valid surface echo is one that exceeds the signal strength threshold consecutively for more
ultrasonic pulse cycles than set by Echoes Needed.
This parameter is not available in the MSP Series DD (Device Descriptor) file.
Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit
To view or change the number of echoes needed:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select SETUP.
2. Select the transmitter (e.g. “Tx1:MSP400RH”).
3. Select ENGINEERING, ADVANCED, and then Echoes Needed.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to edit and save the new setting.
(Press the Enter ( ) key if prompted to change mode to “off-line”).
5. Select “Quit” to exit to the previous menu.
Fast Keys
Fast Keys
Pulse Repeat P041
Esc=Quit =Edit
Echoes Needed P042
Esc=Quit =Edit