Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Appendix F: Configuring Using HART
February 2015
F.2.3 Present depth
If the Bottom Reference is unknown but the present liquid depth is known, the transmitter can
set the Bottom Reference value using the Present Depth value, the live Distance
measurement, and optional offsets:
P010 = (Depth + D910) - (P060 + P069)
P010= Bottom Reference (see page 105).
Depth= Present Depth setting (live level value snapshot but can be edited).
D910= Distance measurement (see page 153).
P060= Distance Offset (see page 109).
P069= Level Offset (see page 110).
Field Communicator
To use the Present Depth feature:
1. From the Home screen, select 2: Configure.
2. Select 2: Manual Setup.
3. Select 2: Level, and then 3: Present Depth.
4. Select 1: Present Depth, and then press “ENTER”.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to input the present depth, which will then change
the transmitter’s bottom reference using the above P010 calculation.
6. Press “ENTER” to confirm the input present depth.
When messages appear, take appropriate action if needed and press “OK”.
The feature Present Depth is also at Fast Key sequence 2, 1, 2.
Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit
To select the Set As Empty command:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select SETUP
2. Select the transmitter (e.g. “Tx1:MSP400RH”).
3. Select DUTY, and then Present Depth.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to input the present depth, which will then change
the transmitter’s bottom reference using the calculation.
(If prompted to change the mode to “off-line”, press the Enter key).
5. Select “Quit” to exit to the previous menu.
Fast Keys
2, 2, 2, 3, 1
1. Present Depth
2. Set as Empty
3. Exit
1. Present Depth
(Field Communicator Screen)
Present Depth
Esc=Quit =Edit