Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Appendix F: Configuring Using HART
February 2015
F.2.6 Simulation of PV
The transmitter simulations automatically cycle the PV between the bottom of the tank and the
nearest measurable distance. The cycle direction is given by the name of the simulation mode
selected. Simulation modes are:
“Run up” – cycles up, and then down, repeatedly until stopped.
“Run down” – cycles down, and then up, repeatedly until stopped.
“Run from Zero” – as “Run up” except the PV initially starts from 0.
A single cycle takes 100 seconds to complete. The Current Output responds according to the PV.
The cycling may be paused with the “pause” mode, and then re-started by selecting another
simulation mode. To stop the cycling, select the “normal” mode.
Field Communicator
To use the simulation tool:
1. From the Home screen, select 3: Service Tools.
2. Select 5: Simulate.
3. Select 1: Primary Variable.
4. Select 2: Change Mode.
5. Select a simulation mode e.g. 2: Run Up.
6. The simulation is now running, and Simulation Enabled is “ON”.
7. Monitor the parameters Primary Variable (PV), Current Output, and
Percentage of Current Output on the LCD screen.
8. When finished, change the mode to “Normal”.
When messages appear, take appropriate action if needed and press “OK”.
Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit
To use the simulation tool:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select SETUP.
2. Select the transmitter (e.g. “Tx1:MSP400RH”).
3. Select SYSTEM, and then Simulation.
4. Select a simulation mode.
5. When finished, select “Quit” to exit to the previous menu.
Fast Keys
3, 5, 1
1. Simulation Enabled
2. Change Mode
3. Primary Variable D900
4. Current Output D906
5. Percentage Current D905
2. Change Mode
35.0078 ft
14.40 mA
19.0 %
(Field Communicator Screen)
Esc=Quit =Edit