Standby CP Commands
Control Processor Commands
Standby CP Commands
The following commands are supported when logged in to the
Standby CP.
Table 5-1 ED-12000B Standby CP Commands
Command Notes
date Print/set the system date and time.
fastboot Reboot switch, bypassing the POST.
firmwarecommit Commit firmware to stable storage.
firmwaredownload Download firmware into the switch.
h Display shell history.
hashow Display high-availability status.
help Display help commands available in the standby CP.
reboot Reboot this processor. When executed from the Standby CP, only the
Standby CP is rebooted.
myid Display current login ID details.
savecore Transfer by way of FTP, or remove core files generated by daemons.
uptime Display how long switch has been up.
version Display firmware version information.