EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Commit switch firmware update.
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to propagate an updated firmware image in the
primary partition to the secondary partition in an individual CP
For the ED-12000B, each CP has two partitions. The
firmwaredownload command will always load the image into the
secondary partition of a CP and then will swap the secondary to be
the new primary. After the system successfully boots from this
partition, a user should run
firmwarecommit to replicate the
downloaded image in the primary partition to the secondary
firmwareDownload command intentionally does not write both
partitions to avoid having both corrupted during one firmware
download. The
firmwareDownload command loads firmware only
into the primary partition. This protects the secondary partition so
that in case of corruption the CP can be successfully booted up from
the secondary partition, if the attempt to do so from the primary fails.
The functionality of this command is to propagate an updated
firmware image in the primary partition to the secondary partition.
Operands None
To commit a firmware file:
switch12k:admin> firmwarecommit
Doing firmwarecommit now.
Please wait ...
Replicating kernel image.
FirmwareCommit completes successfully.
See Also firmwareDownload