
Telnet Commands
Create or add a member to a group of N_Ports.
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to create an alias group of N_Ports or to add
N_Ports to an existing group. Any online N_Port defined in the fabric
can be part of a group. An N_Port can be added from any switch that
is part of the fabric.
To get a list of online ports currently defined in the fabric, use the
nsAllShow command. If the user wants to add only local ports
associated with the local switch then use the
nsShow command to get
list of ports associated with the local switch.
Operands None
To create an alias group of N_Ports or to add N_Ports to an existing
group enter the following command:
sw5:admin> aliasJoin
aliasJoin: To add ports to an existing or new multicast group
Number of ports in the group: (1..64) [1]
To set an authorization password? (yes, y, no, n): [no]
no password
Setting the authorization control
Add control: 0 by any, 1 only itself, 2 by creator: (0..2) [0]
Del control: 0 by any, 1 only itself, 2 by creator: (0..2) [0]
Lsn control: 0 by any, 1 by none: (0..1) [1]
Add control 0, Del control 0 Lsn control 1
Setting the Routing Bit: (0x0..0xc) [0x0]
using FC-4 Device Data ...
Setting FC-4 Type: (0x0..0x5d) [0x5]
using 0x05 ...
To set the alias qualifier in WWN format? (yes, y, no, n): [yes]
Qualifier (in hex): [10:00:00:60:69:80:02:28]
Port ID (in hex): (0x0..0xeffa00) [0] 0x19c00
npList[0] = 0x19c00
aliasJoin: Join request to Group Address 0xfffb00 succeeds
Exit Status 0 Indicates successful operation.
Non Zero Indicates that the operation has failed.