
Telnet Commands
Operands This command has the following operands:
The number of million frames per port to
execute this test. If omitted, the default value
used is 100. This operand is optional.
First port to test, if omitted 0 will be used.
This operand is optional.
The last port to test. The test will be
performed on ePortBeg to ePortEnd
inclusive. If ePortEnd is omitted then the
default will be to test all ports. This operand
is optional. This operand is only used in
-ports list
A list of user ports to test. By default all of
the ISL ports in the current switch will be
tested. This option may be used to restrict
testing to the specified ports. This operand is
optional. This operand is only used in v4.0.
This parameter may be used to cause
spinFab to mark failing ports as bad like a
normal diagnostic. 1 = Mark failing ports as
BAD, 0 = do not mark failed ports as bad. To
minimize the impact on live fabrics this test
normally logs errors but does not set the
port status to FAILED. This parameter is
provided to force the failing ports to be
marked as BAD in the same manner as other
diagnostics. In test or qualification
environments without live traffic this may
be useful with large values of nmil. This
mode is disabled by default.
-domain domain
The domain parameter is used to specify a
specific remote domain that the switch is
connected to. The default is to automatically
determine the remote domain number, but
this does not work properly in some
conditions. This operand is optional. This
operand is only used in v4.0.