Name of RPM Description Other Server Administrator
RPMs required
srvadmin-idracdrsc iDRAC Integration Layer —
Integrated Remote Access CLI
and Web Plug-in to Server
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, srvadmin-rac4
components, and srvadmin-
add-RAC4 — Software for remote management of fourth-generation Remote Access Controllers. For
example, DRAC 4.
srvadmin-rac4-components Remote Access Card Data
Populator — Remote Access
Controller components.
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, srvadmin-hapi, and
srvadmin-racadm4 RAC Command Interface — The
command-line user interface to
the Remote Access Controller
srvadmin-racdrsc4 DRAC 4 Integration Layer —
Remote Access CLI and Web
Plugin to Server Administrator.
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, srvadmin-rac4
components, and srvadmin-
srvadmin-racsvc Remote Access Card Managed
Node — Remote Access
Controller (RAC) services
supporting the central
administration of server clusters
and the remote administration of
distributed resources.
add-RAC5 — Software for remote management of fifth generation Remote Access Controllers. For
example, DRAC 5.
srvadmin-rac5-components Remote Access Card Data
Populator, DRAC 5 and Remote
Access Controller components,
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, and srvadmin-hapi
srvadmin-racadm5 RAC Command Interface — The
command-line user interface to
the Remote Access Controller
srvadmin-omilcore and
srvadmin-racdrsc5 DRAC 5 Integration Layer —
Remote Access CLI and Web
Plug-in to Server Administrator.
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, srvadmin-omacore, and
srvadmin-rac5 components
add-StorageManagement — Storage Management RAID configuration utility and storage alert software.
srvadmin-storage Storage Management — Provides
Systems Management Storage
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, and srvadmin-omacore
SA-WebServer — Provides web access to manage the server.