Name of RPM Description Other Server Administrator
RPMs required
information for keeping
supported systems on the
network healthy. Server
Administrator Instrumentation
Service provides fault
management information,
prefailure information, and asset
and inventory information to
management applications. The
Instrumentation Service monitors
the health of the system and
provides rapid access to detailed
fault and performance
information about the hardware
on supported systems. The
Instrumentation Service requires
installation of systems
management device drivers.
srvadmin-omacore Server Administrator — Systems
management managed mode
core and CLI.
srvadmin-omilcore and
srvadmin-omhip Server Administrator
Instrumentation Service
Integration Layer — Provides
Instrumentation CLI.
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, srvadmin-hapi, srvadmin-
isvc, and srvadmin-omacore
srvadmin-omilcore Server Administrator Install Core
— This is the core install package
that provides the tools necessary
for the rest of the Systems
management install packages. All
Server Administrator RPMs
require this RPM.
srvadmin-syscheck Package that checks the level of
systems management support.
add-iDRAC — Software for remote management of third-generation Remote Access Controllers. For
example, iDRAC.
srvadmin-idrac-components Integrated Remote Access Card
Data Populator Remote Access
Controller components.
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, srvadmin-hapi, and
srvadmin-idracadm iDRAC Command Interface —
The command-line user interface
to the Integrated Remote Access