5. Right-click the ESXi host added in the previous step and click Maintenance Mode.
6. From Plug-ins select Manage Plug-ins → download VMware Update Manager (The status is enabled
if the download is successful.) Follow the instructions to install the VUM client.
7. Select the ESXi host. Click Update Manager → Admin view → Patch Repository → Import Patches
and follow the online instructions to upload the patch successfully.
The offline bundle is displayed.
8. Click Baselines and Groups.
9. Click create from Baselines tab, mention baseline name and select Host Extension as baseline type.
Complete the rest as per instructions.
10. Click Admin View.
11. Click Add to Baseline (against the uploaded patch name) and select the baseline name that you have
created in step 8.
12. Click Compliance view. Select the Update Manager tab. Click Attach and select the Extension
Baseline created in step 8 and follow the instructions.
13. Click Scan and select Patches & Extensions (if not selected by default) and click on Scan.
14. Click Stage, select created Host Extension and follow the instructions.
15. Click Remediate and follow the instructions once the staging is completed.
Server Administrator installation is complete.
16. Reboot the host.
NOTE: For more information on VMware Update Manager, see the VMware official website.
NOTE: You can install Server Administrator from the VUM repository, https://
Using The Power CLI
To install Server Administrator using Power CLI:
1. Install the supported PowerCLI of ESXi on a supported Windows system.
2. Copy the OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-<version>-<bldno>.VIB-ESX<version>i_<bld-revno>.zip file to the
ESXi host.
3. Navigate to the bin directory.
4. Run Connect-VIServer and provide the server and other credentials.
5. Log on to the ESXi host using supported vSphere CLI of ESXi 5.0 U1 and create a datastore.
6. Create a folder OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-<version>-<bldno>.VIB-ESX<version>I on ESXi 5.0 U1 host
under /vmfs/volumes/<datastore_name> directory.
7. Copy the ESXi zip file on ESXi 5.0 U1 host to/vmfs/volumes/<datastore_name>OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-
Web-<version>-<bldno>.VIB-ESX<version>I directory.
8. Unzip the zip file in the above specified directory.
9. Run the following command in Power CLI Install-VMHostPatch -VMHost -
HostPath /vmfs/volumes/<
datastore_name>name>/OMSrvAdmin- Dell-Web-<version>-
<build ID>.VIBESX<version>i/ cross_oem-dell-openmanage-esxi_<version>-0000-
10. Reboot the ESXi host.