Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set vmps config-file
set vmps config-file
To set the backup configuration file for the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS), use the set vmps
config-file command.
set vmps config-file device:[filename]
set vmps config-file auto-save {enable | disable}
Syntax Description
Defaults If you do not specify a filename argument, the filename is automatically called
The auto-save feature is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines You can use the set vmps config-file auto-save command to automatically save the downloaded VMPS
configuration in the local storage of the switch. If you enable the auto-save feature, the switch backs up
the downloaded configuration file into the specified device with the specified filename.
If you do not specify a specific backup device or a specific backup configuration filename, the switch
automatically saves the file in the following device with the following filename:
Examples This example shows how to specify a backup device and a backup filename for the VMPS configuration:
Console> (enable) set vmps config-file disk0:vmps_config_engineering
Vmps back-up file name is set to disk0:vmps_config_engineering
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to enable the feature that automatically saves the VMPS configuration:
Console> (enable) set vmps config-file auto-save enable
Auto save to store vmps configuration file is enabled.
Console> (enable)
device: Device name where the backup configuration is stored.
filename (Optional) Filename of the backup configuration. See the “Usage Guidelines”
section for more information.
auto-save Specifies the feature that automatically saves the VMPS configuration.
enable Enables the auto-save feature.
disable Disables the auto-save feature.