Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set module autoshut
set module autoshut
To enable or disable automatic module shutdown, use the set module autoshut command.
set module autoshut {enable | disable} mod
Syntax Description
Defaults Automatic module shutdown is disabled. If enabled, the defaults are as follows:
• Frequency is three times.
• Period is 2 minutes.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines You can shut down a module manually using the set module disable or the set module power down
After the module shuts down, you must reenable the module manually.
This command is supported on Ethernet modules only.
Each time a module shuts down by automatic module shutdown, the following SYSLOG message is sent
to the configured logging destination:
%SYS-5-MOD_AUTOSHUT: Module 2 shutdown automatically, reset 4 times in last 5 minutes
due to inband failure
Each time a module exceeds the reset frequency but occurs over a period greater than the configured
period, the following SYSLOG message is sent to the configured logging destination:
%%SYS-4-MOD_AUTOSHUT_SLOW:Module 1 reset frequency exceeded threshold but over 46
mins. Hence NOT powering down module
Examples This example shows how to enable automatic module shutdown on a module:
Console> (enable) set module autoshut enable 2
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to disable automatic module shutdown on a module:
Console> (enable) set module autoshut disable 2
Console> (enable)
enable Enables automatic module shutdown.
disable Disables automatic module shutdown
mod Module number.