Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
The guidelines for the ping -s command are as follows:
• The maximum waiting time before timing out is 2 seconds.
• A new ping packet is generated after 1 second of sending the previous packet, regardless of whether
or not an echo-reply is received.
• If you do not enter a packet count, continuous ping results.
• Network or host unreachable—The switch found no corresponding entry in the route table.
• Destination does not respond—If the host does not respond, a “no answer from host” appears in
2 seconds.
• Destination unreachable—The gateway for this destination indicates that the destination is
The guidelines for the ping command without arguments are as follows:
• The ping host command is accepted in normal mode only. The parameters take the default values
• The target IP address is a mandatory field to be entered.
• The maximum waiting time is configurable.
• A new ping packet is generated only when an echo-reply is received.
• Entering a packet count of 0 results in continuous ping.
• Returns output only when a response is received or you press Return.
• Available in privileged mode only.
• When configuring ping, you must either press Return or enter a response. Valid responses and
appropriate values are as follows:
Target IP address: IP address or host name of the destination node you plan to ping.
Number of Packets: Number of ping packets to be sent to the destination address; valid values
are from 0 to 2,147,483,647 (0 specifies continuous ping).
Datagram size: Size of the ping packet; valid values are from 56 to 1472 bytes.
Timeout in seconds: Timeout interval; valid values are from 0 to 3600 seconds.
Source IP Address [(default)]: IP address or IP alias of the source.
Examples This example shows how to ping a host with IP alias elvis a single time:
Console> ping elvis
----- PING Statistics------
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 1/1/1
This example shows how to ping a host with IP alias elvis once per second until you press Ctrl-C to stop
Console> ping -s elvis
ping elvis: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from elvis: icmp_seq=0. time=11 ms
64 bytes from elvis: icmp_seq=1. time=8 ms
64 bytes from elvis: icmp_seq=2. time=8 ms
64 bytes from elvis: icmp_seq=3. time=7 ms