Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set logging level
set logging level
To set the facility and severity level used when logging system messages, use the set logging level
set logging level facility severity [default]
Syntax Description facility Value to specify the type of system messages to capture; facility types are listed in
Table 2-14.
severity Value to specify the severity level of system messages to capture; severity level
definitions are listed in Table 2-15.
default (Optional) Causes the specified logging level to apply to all sessions.
Table 2-14 Facility Types
Facility Name Definition
acl access control list
all All facilities
cdp Cisco Discovery Protocol
cops Common Open Policy Service Protocol
dtp Dynamic Trunking Protocol
dvlan Dynamic VLAN
earl Enhanced Address Recognition Logic
filesys file system facility
gvrp GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
ip Internet Protocol
kernel Kernel
ld ASLB facility
mcast Multicast
mgmt Management
mls Multilayer Switching
pagp Port Aggregation Protocol
privatevlan Private VLAN facility
protfilt Protocol Filter
pruning VTP pruning
qos Quality of Service
radius Remote Access Dial-In User Service
rsvp ReSerVation Protocol
security Security
snmp Simple Network Management Protocol