
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show interface
show interface
You can check the status of an interface at any time by using the show interface command.
show interface [interface range]
[bbcredit] |
[brief | counters | description]
[cpp slot/process-number/vsan-id] | [fv slot/dpp-number/fv-port]
[fc slot/port] | [fc-tunnel tunnel-id] |
[fcip interface-number | gigabitethernet | iscsi] |
mgmt | port-channel portchannel-number. subinterface-number | sup-fc |
transceiver (calibrations | details) | trunk vsan [vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
Defaults None.
interface range Displays the interfaces in the specified range.
bbcredit Displays BB_credit information for all interfaces.
brief Displays brief info of interface.
counters Displays the interface counter information.
description Displays a description of interface.
cpp Displays the virtualization interface specific to the ASM module.
slot/port Displays the Fibre Channel interface in the specified slot and port.
fc-tunnel tunnel-id Displays description of the specified FC tunnel from 1 to 4095.
fcip interface-number Displays the description of the specified FCIP interface from 1 to 255.
fv slot/dpp-number/fv-p
Displays the virtual F port (FV port) interface in the specified slot along
with the data path processor (DPP) number and the FV port number.
Displays the description of the Gigabit Ethernet interface in the specified
slot/ port.
iscsi slot/port Displays the description of the iSCSI interface in the specified slot or port.
mgmt Displays the description of the management interface.
Displays the PortChannel interface specified by the PortChannel number
followed by a dot (.) indicator and the subinterface number.
sup-fc Displays the inband interface details.
svc Displays the virtualization interface specific to the CSM module.
transceiver Displays the transceiver information for interface.
calibrations Displays transceiver calibration information for the specified interface.
details Show detailed transceiver diagnostics information for the specified
trunk vsan Displays the trunking status of all VSANs.
vsan-id Displays the trunking status of the specified VSANs.
vsan vsan-id Displays the VSAN interface (brief, counters, or description for a specified
interface or a range of interfaces).