Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show qos
The following example displays the contents of a specified class map.
switch# show qos class-map name MyClass
qos class-map MyClass match-any
match dest-wwn 20:01:00:05:30:00:28:df
match src-wwn 23:15:00:05:30:00:2a:1f
match src-intf fc2/1
The following example displays all configured policy maps.
switch# show qos policy-map
qos policy-map MyPolicy
class MyClass
priority medium
qos policy-map Policy1
class Class2
priority low
The following example displays a specified policy map.
switch# show qos policy-map name MyPolicy
qos policy-map MyPolicy
class MyClass
priority medium
The following example displays scheduled DWRR configurations
switch# show qos dwrr
qos dwrr-q high weight 50
qos dwrr-q medium weight 30
qos dwrr-q low weight 20
The following example displays all applied policy maps.
switch# show qos service policy
qos service policy MyPolicy vsan 1
qos service policy Policy1 vsan 4
The following example displays QoS statistics.
switch# show qos statistics
Total number of FC frames transmitted from the Supervisor= 301431
Number of highest-priority FC frames transmitted = 137679
Current priority of FC control frames = 7 (0 = lowest; 7 = highest)