Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show fdmi
show fdmi
To display the Fabric-Device Management Interface (FDMI) database information, use the show fdmi
show fdmi database [detail [hba-id [hba-id vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id]
Syntax Description
Defaults None.
Command Modes EXEC mode.
Command History This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines None.
Examples The following example displays all HBA management servers.
switch# show fdmi database
Registered HBA List for VSAN 1
switch# show fdmi database detail
Registered HBA List for VSAN 1
HBA-ID: 10:00:00:00:c9:32:8d:77
Node Name :20:00:00:00:c9:32:8d:77
Manufacturer :Emulex Corporation
Serial Num :0000c9328d77
Model :LP9002
Model Description:Emulex LightPulse LP9002 2 Gigabit PCI Fibre Channel Adapter
Hardware Ver :2002606D
Driver Ver :SLI-2 SW_DATE:Feb 27 2003, v5-2.20a12
ROM Ver :3.11A0
Firmware Ver :3.90A7
OS Name/Ver :Window 2000
CT Payload Len :1300000
Port-id: 10:00:00:00:c9:32:8d:77
fdmi Accesses the FDMI commands.
database Displays the FDMI database contents.
detail Specifies detailed FDMI information.
hba-id Displays detailed information for the specified HBA entry.
hba-id Displays detailed information for the specified HBA entry.
vsan vsan-id Specifies FDMI information for the specified VSAN ranging from 1 to 4093.