Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show port-security
show port-security
To display configured port security feature information, use the show port-security database command.
show port-security
{database [active [vsan vsan-id]] | fwwn fwwn-id vsan vsan-id | interface {fc slot/port |
port-channel port} vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id] |
statistics [vsan vsan-id] |
status [vsan vsan-id] |
violations [last count | vsan vsan-id]}
Syntax Description
Defaults None.
Command Modes EXEC mode.
Command History This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.2(1).
Usage Guidelines The access information for each port can be individually displayed. If you specify the fwwn or interface
options, all devices that are paired in the active database (at that point) with the given fWWN or the
interface are displayed.
The show port-security command issued with the last number option displays only the specified
number of entries that appear first.
Examples The following example displays the contents of the port security database.
switch# show port-security database
VSAN Logging-in Entity Logging-in Point( Interface)
database Displays database-related port security information.
active Displays the activated database information.
vsan vsan-id Displays information for the specified database.
fwwn fwwn-id Displays information for the specified fabric WWN.
interface Displays information for an interface.
fc slot/port Displays information for the specified Fibre Channel interface.
port-channel port Displays information for the specified PortChannel interface. The range is
1 to 128.
statistics Displays port security statistics.
status Displays the port security status on a per VSAN basis.
violations Displays violations in the port security database.
last count Displays the last number of lines in the database. The range is 1 to 100.