User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 16 Managing Firewall Access Rules
Configuring Access Rules
• (Device view) Select a device, then select Firewall > Access Rules (or Firewall > Settings > IPv6
Access Rules) from the Policies selector.
• (Policy view) Select Firewall > Access Rules (or Firewall > Settings > IPv6 Access Rules) from
the Policy Type selector. Create a new policy or select an existing one.
• (Map view) Right-click a device and select Edit Firewall Policies > Access Rules (or Edit Firewall
Policies > IPv6 Access Rules).
Related Topics
• Configuring Expiration Dates for Access Rules, page 16-19
• Configuring Settings for Access Control, page 16-20
• Adding and Removing Rules, page 12-9
• Editing Rules, page 12-9
• Enabling and Disabling Rules, page 12-20
• Moving Rules and the Importance of Rule Order, page 12-19
• Using Sections to Organize Rules Tables, page 12-20
• Using Rules Tables, page 12-7
• Filtering Tables, page 1-45
Field Reference
Note For details on the fields and user interface elements available as part of the automatic conflict detection
feature, see Understanding the Automatic Conflict Detection User Interface, page 16-27.
Table 16-1 Access Rules Page
Element Description
Expand all rows/Collapse all
Use these buttons to expand or collapse all sections in the rules table.
Note The buttons are located in the upper-right corner of the Filter
area above the access rules table.
Conflict Indicator icons Identifies conflicts and provides a quick visual representation of the
type of conflict. For more details, including types of conflicts and the
actions you can take from this column, see Understanding the
Automatic Conflict Detection User Interface, page 16-27.
No. The ordered rule number.
Permit Whether a rule permits or denies traffic based on the conditions set:
• Permit—Shown as a green check mark.
• Deny—Shown as a red circle with slash.
Sources The sources of traffic for this rule; can be networks, security groups
(ASA 9.0+ only), and users. Multiple entries are displayed on separate
lines within the table cell.
Destinations The destinations for this rule; can be networks and security groups
(ASA 9.0+ only). Multiple entries are displayed on separate lines
within the table cell.