User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 69 Using External Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Diagnostic Tools
Viewing Inventory Status
Field Reference
Table 69-1 Inventory Status Window
Element Description
Device Summary Information for All Devices (Upper Pane)
Export button Click this button to export the inventory as a comma-separated values
(CSV) file. You are prompted to specify a file name and to select a
folder on the Security Manager server. You can use the export file for
reference or analysis.
Display Name The name of the device as it is displayed in Security Manager.
Deployment The status of the configuration deployment for the device.
OS Type The family of the operating system running on the device, for example,
Running OS Version The version of the operating system running on the device.
Target OS Version The target OS version for which you want to apply the configuration.
Configurations are based on the commands supported by this version.
Host Name.Domain Name The DNS host and domain names for the device.
IP Address The management IP address of the device.
Device Type The type of device.
Details for the Selected Device (Lower Pane)
The detailed information is shown in the tabs in the lower pane. The information is organized into
folders; click the +/- icons to open and close folders, or double-click the folder name.
Inventory Lists summary information about the selected device’s device
properties, deployment methods, device group membership, and the
parent device for modules.
Policy Lists the current status of the policies that can be configured for the
selected device, whether the policy is unassigned (not defined), a local
policy, or a shared policy.
Policy Object Overrides Lists policy objects that have overrides defined for the selected device.
For more information on policy object overrides, see Policy Object
Override Pages, page 3-49.
Status Lists any deployment status messages for the selected device.
Events are organized by event type. Event details include timestamp,
description, and recommended action. The time stamp indicates the
time of the last change in status for the device, not the time of the latest
polling of the device.
Also shown is the highest severity level of the status messages.
Navigation buttons Click the navigation buttons to move through the inventory list. From
left to right, buttons mean go to the first device in the list, go to the
previous device, go to the next device, and go to the last device. The
center field indicates which device is currently selected based on the
row number (for example 5/10 means the fifth of 10 devices in the list).