User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 54 Configuring Routing Policies on Firewall Devices
Configuring OSPF
Field Reference
OSPF Advanced Dialog Box
Use the OSPF Advanced dialog box to configure settings such as the Router ID, Adjacency Changes,
Administrative Route Distances, Timers, and Default Information Originate settings for an OSPF
Navigation Path
You can access the OSPF Advanced dialog box from the General Tab, page 54-3.
Related Topics
• Configuring OSPF, page 54-2
Field Reference
Table 54-1 OSPF General Tab
Element Description
The General tab provides two identical sections; each is used to enable one OSPF process. The
following options are available in each section.
Enable this OSPF Process Check this box to enable an OSPF process. You cannot enable an OSPF
process if you have RIP enabled on the security appliance. Deselect this
option to remove the OSPF process.
OSPF Process ID Enter a unique numeric identifier for the OSPF process. This process
ID is used internally and does not need to match the OSPF process ID
on any other OSPF devices. Valid values are from 1 to 65535.
Advanced button Opens the OSPF Advanced Dialog Box, page 54-4, in which you can
configure additional process-related parameters, such Router ID,
Adjacency Changes, Administrative Route Distances, Timers, and
Default Information Originate settings.
Table 54-2 OSPF Advanced Dialog Box
Element Description
OSPF Process Displays the ID of the OSPF process you are configuring. You cannot
change this value in this dialog box.
Router ID To use a fixed router ID, enter a router ID in IP address format in the
Router ID field. If you leave this value blank, the highest-level IP
address on the security appliance is used as the router ID.
Ignore LSA MOSPF Select this option to suppress transmission of syslog messages when the
security appliance receives Type 6 (MOSPF) LSA packets.
RFC 1583 Compatible Select this option to calculate summary route costs per RFC 1583.
Deselect this option to calculate summary route costs per RFC 2328. To
minimize the chance of routing loops, all OSPF devices in an OSPF
routing domain should have RFC compatibility set identically. This
option is selected by default.