User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 59 Configuring Router Interfaces
Dialer Interfaces on Cisco IOS Routers
Defining BRI Interface Properties
You configure the properties of the physical BRI interfaces used for dialer interface policies by selecting
the appropriate interface or interface role, defining the dialer pools to which the interface belongs, and
defining the ISDN switch type. It is the dialer pool that connects the physical interface with the virtual
dialer interface.
Note To define other types of physical dialer interfaces, such as ATM and Ethernet, use FlexConfigs. For more
information, see Understanding FlexConfig Policies and Policy Objects, page 7-2.
Before You Begin
Define the virtual and physical dialer interfaces on the router. SeeBasic Interface Settings on Cisco IOS
Routers, page 59-1.
Note In addition, you can optionally define interface roles for the virtual and physical dialer interfaces. See
Creating Interface Role Objects, page 6-68.
Related Topics
• Defining Dialer Profiles, page 59-27
• Dialer Interfaces on Cisco IOS Routers, page 59-27
Step 1 Do one of the following:
• (Device view) Select Interfaces > Settings > Dialer from the Policy selector.
• (Policy view) Select Router Interfaces > Settings > Dialer from the Policy Type selector. Select
an existing policy or create a new one.
The Dialer Interfaces page is displayed. See Table 59-11 on page 59-30 for a description of the fields on
this page.
Step 2 Select a physical BRI interface from the Dialer Physical Interfaces table, then click Edit, or click Add
to add an interface. The Dialer Physical Interface dialog box appears. See Table 59-13 on page 59-32 for
a description of the fields in this dialog box.
Step 3 Enter the name of the interface or interface role that represents the physical dialer interface, or click
Select to select an interface role object from a list or to create a new one. For more information, see
Specifying Interfaces During Policy Definition, page 6-70.
Step 4 Enter the names of the dialer pools to associate with the physical interface, or click Select to display a
selector. Separate multiple entries with commas.
Step 5 Select the ISDN switch type used by the physical interface. Table 59-13 on page 59-32 describes the
available switch types.
Step 6 (Optional) If you selected the Basic-DMS-100, Basic-NI, or Basic-5ess switch type, enter up to two
service provider identifiers (SPIDs).
Note We recommend that you do not enter SPIDs for the Basic-5ess switch type, even though SPIDs
are supported.