
First Edition Dated September, 2000 10
3. Introduction to AQS
Introduction and overview of requirements
When contractually required, the supplier must develop and implement a
continuous improvement system, procedures, and documentation that
achieve the requirements of D6-82479.
In addition to conformance to contractual requirements, The Boeing Company
believes that a high level of performance is beneficial to all companies,
especially Boeing suppliers. The AQS continuous improvement process is an
effective approach to improving business performance that potentially
involves all aspects of business operations.
The AQS continuous improvement process
Figures 2.1 through 2.5 illustrate an approach for implementing the AQS
continuous improvement process for reducing variation. AQS includes a
process for analyzing customer needs and requirements, establishing
business and economic performance measures, reducing cost and waste,
and improving quality by systematically analyzing production processes,
evaluating current problems, examining the design characteristics of
products, reducing the variation of key characteristics and processes, and
making processes more efficient.
Where not specifically noted otherwise, Boeing recommends that the terms,
concepts, tools and approaches outlined in this document be interpreted as
broadly as possible and applied to all processes and elements of supplier
operations. With this principle in mind, continuous improvement may be
considered to encompass such concepts, practices and programs as Six
Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Statistical Thinking, Kaizen and Process
Management responsibility
Management should be very knowledgeable of the continuous improvement
tools and involved in implementing the continuous improvement system. They
should be able to provide guidance for the improvement system, and select
and support improvement activities and projects with strategic significance to
their company.