Table of Contents, Narrative
Chapter 1 — General Service Information
This chapter provides a general description of Series373XXA Vector Network Analyzer systems, sys
tem serial numbers, and frequency ranges. It explains the level of maintenance covered in this man
ual and the service strategy used throughout this manual. It also contains static-sensitive component
handling precautions and a list of recommended test equipment.
Chapter 2 — Replaceable Parts
This chapter lists all replaceable subassemblies and components for all373XXA models. It explains
the ANRITSUexchange assembly program and provides parts ordering information.
Chapter 3 — Operational Tests
This chapter contains procedures that provide a means of fully testing the373XXA VNA system for
proper operation and signal stability. These tests are intended to be used as a periodic check of the
operational functionality of the373XXA.
Chapter 4 — Performance Verification Procedures
This chapter provides detailed procedures for verifying that the performance of the373XXA meets
minimum performance standards.
Chapter 5 — Troubleshooting
This chapter provides information for troubleshooting Series373XXA Vector Network Analyzer sys-
tems. The troubleshooting procedures contained in this chapter support fault isolation down to a re-
placeable subassembly.
Chapter 6 — Adjustments
This chapter provides adjustment procedures for all models of Series373XXA Vector Network Ana
lyzer systems. These procedures are used after replacement or repair of one or more critical subas
semblies, or as indicated by the Performance Verification Procedures contained in Chapter 4.
Chapter 7 — System Description
This chapter provides descriptions of the functional operation of the major assemblies contained in
Series373XXA Vector Network Analyzer systems. The operation of all major circuit blocks is de
scribed so that the reader may better understand the function of each assembly as part of the overall
Chapter 8— Removal and Replacement Procedures
This chapter describes how to gain access to all of the major assemblies and major parts for ¬trouble
shooting and/or replacement.
Appendix A — Diagnostic Menus
This appendix contains descriptions and usage information for the Diagnostic Menus that are avail
able via the front panel Option Menu key.
Appendix B — Error Codes/Messages
This appendix contains a listing of the Error Codes/Messages. Also included is a description of the in
formation fields that are part of the error messages.
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