Pin-Depth Tolerance The center pin of a precision connector has a tolerances measured in
mils (one mil = 1/1000 inch). The connectors of test devices may not be
precision types and they may not have the proper pin-depth. These
connectors should be measured before mating to ensure suitability.
When gauging pin depth, if the connector being measured indicates
out of tolerance in the “+” region of the gauge (Table C-1), the center
pin is too long. Mating under this condition will likely damage the
mating connector. On the other hand, if the test device connector indi
cates out of tolerance in the “–” region, the center pin is too short.
While this will not cause any damage, it will result in a poor connec
tion and a consequent degradation in performance.
Avoid Over Torquing
Over-torquing connectors is destructive; it may damage the connector
center pin. Finger-tight is usually sufficient, especially on Type N con
nectors. Should it be necessary to use a wrench to tighten SMA or
WSMA connectors, use a torque wrench that breaks at 8 inch-pounds.
As a general rule, never use pliers to tighten connectors.
Teflon Tuning
The center conductor on many precision connectors contains a small
teflon tuning washer located near the point of mating (interface). This
washer compensates for minor impedance discontinuities at the inter
face. The washer’s location is critical to the connector’s performance.
Do not disturb it.
Avoid Mechanical
Precision connectors are designed to withstand years of normal bench
handling. Do not drop or otherwise treat them roughly. They are labo
ratory-quality devices, and like other such devices, they require care
ful handling.
Keep Connectors
The precise geometry that makes a precision connector’s high perfor
mance possible can be disturbed by dirt and other contamination ad
C-4 373XXA MM
Conn. Type
Pin Depth
Same As
Pin Depth
N Male
N Female
Same As
Pin Depth
3.5 mm Male, Female
K Male, Female
V Male
to –0.001
V Female
to –0.001
Table C-1. Connector Pin-Depth Tolerance