373XXA MM B-13
Error Message Description
Floppy disk write protected An attempt was made to write to a write protected floppy disk.
Recalled setup or data file cor
An attempt to recall a setup from internal memory, the GPIB or disk failed due to soft
ware revision or hardware mismatch or checksum error.
New frequency list not allowed in
current state
Cannot set up a new discrete fill definition while performing a calibration or when cor
rection is turned on. Also, cannot do this when group delay is the graph type on the
active channel.
State change not permitted An attempt was made to perform an illegal state change or action based on the cur
rent instrument state. This includes attempting to store (1) an undefined band defini
tion, (2) certain changes from the calibration state, or (3) the cal define state when
defining discrete frequencies.
Faulty label or file name The label or file name associated with the current mnemonic is faulty.
Illegal characters in filename The first character in a filename must be an alpha type. The remaining characters can
be alpha, numeric, or underscores. An extension is not permitted.
Filename too long The maximum ledngth for filenames is 8 characters. An extension is not permitted.
Floppy disk read error
Floppy disk write error
Hard disk read error
Hard disk write error
Read or write error(s) occurred while attempting to access the indicated disk.
Floppy disk not found
Hard disk not found
General disk buffer error
General floppy drive failure
Floppy disk init failure
General hard disk failure
Hard disk control failure
Hard disk init failure
Unknown disk error
Other error messages which suggest that the indicated drive is in need of service.
No Response data available Generated if the controller attempts to read response data from the 373XXA and none
is available.
No Response data after PM
This is the same as the ‘no response data available’ case above except that a pro
gram message was currently being parsed and executed when the controller at
tempted to read data. Detection of this error was deferred until the parser/execution
block was finished with the current program message and it was observed that no re
sponse data was generated.
Table B-3. GPIB-Related Error Messages (6 of 8)