
373XXA MM B-11
Error Message Description
Current and cal frequencies dif
The flat power calibration setup does not match the current setup.
Stored data is invalid An attempt was made to reference normalized data when normalized data was invalid.
Parameter change not permitted
on current state
An attempt was made to change a parameter while IF cal was active. It is not ex
pected that this message will ever be seen. If you see this message, notify the fac
Calibration may not be valid An attempt was made to repeat the previous calibration when there was no record of a
previous calibration.
Calibration does not exist An attempt was made to turn on flat power correction or vector error correction when
the corresponding calibration does not exist.
Current calibration is erased When turning on Multiple Source Mode with vector error correction on, the calibration
is destroyed. Not really an error. Message is issued as a warning.
Time Domain and CW mode not
An attempt was made to turn on a time domain mode in CW. This is not permitted.
Not permitted in Time Domain An attempt was made to select a group delay display or CW mode when in time do-
main mode or to select a dual overlay display with a frequency/time domain mismatch.
Time Domain not allowed An attempt was made to turn on a time domain mode but the current 373XXA state
does not permit it.
Permitted only in diagnostic
Must put the 373XXA into the diagnostics mode via the SDG command before using
this mnemonic.
Graph types not appropriate for
dual overlay
While in dual overlay mode, and attempt was made to change one of the active graph
types to a type which conflicts with dual overlay, or to change one of the active chan
nels into or out of time domain which sets up a dual overlay conflict. Or an attempt
was made to select dual overlay mode when there would be a graph type conflict for a
frequency/time domain conflict.
New Discrete Fill not allowed in
current state
Cannot set up a new discrete fill definition while performing a calibration or when cor
rection is turned on. Also cannot do this when group delay is the graph type on the
active channel.
Low Pass mode requires a har
monic sweep
Perform a TD harmonic sweep calibration prior to using this mnemonic.
Receiver out of range by equa
Problems with the internal source, external source or receiver equations in multiple
source mode.
New start less than previous
An attempt was made to set the start frequency for the new multiple source mode
band definition to a frequency less than the stop frequency of the previous band.
Table B-3. GPIB-Related Error Messages (4 of 8)