
These options are:
Only the actual audio contained from the start of the first cue to the end
of the last cue within the IN/OUT region will be exported.
The audio between the marked IN point and the end of the actual audio
within the IN/OUT region will be exported.
The audio between the actual start of the audio within the IN/OUT
region and the marked OUT point will be exported.
The audio between the marked IN / OUT point will be exported.
When START<>END or START<>OUT is selected, each exported file will start only where
the actual audio begins, with the start position of the audio in the project stored as a sample
accurate timestamp attached to the WAV file (Broadcast WAV).
When IN<>END or IN<>OUT is selected, if the actual audio starts after the IN point, the
exported file will include "recorded" silence from the IN point to the start of the audio. There-
fore, all the files exported in the same pass will start exactly at the same point, allowing them
to line up when imported in a system that doesn't support Broadcast WAV timestamps.
One thing to note, is that all audio within any of the selected options will be 'rendered'. In
other words, if (for example) a particular track has a load of small, individual cues in the
original DPS24 project, when exported, that track will be one continuous .wav file.
For example:
Original track
The exported version
Q5 allows you to select the Export Type. The options are:
MONO Each of the selected tracks will be exported as individual, separate mono
timestamped files.
STEREO Disk channels that are paired as 'stereo' will have their recordings ex-
ported as stereo timestamped files. Those channels that aren't 'paired'
will still be exported as individual timestamped mono files.
This option will cause the selected tracks to be exported as a single multi-
channel .wav file.This is only appropriate for exporting entire projects
to other multi-track systems that support Multi-Channel WAV files (such
as the DPS16). However, please note... track-order is preserved. For ex-
ample, if DPS24 edit tracks 1,2,4,5,6,11,12 are selected, these will map
to channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of the multi-channel .wav file).
To actually export the audio, press BROWSE. You might see "Please wait" for a few seconds.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual