In order for waveforms to be shown in ak.Sys, it is necessary to first enable a new parameter
found in SETUP / PREFS / MORE.
The WAVE FILE GEN [Q1] causes the DPS24 to calculate each audio files waveform for dis-
play in ak.Sys. This is a background function and has no impact on the DPS24's operation.
When the WAVE GEN function is enabled, the MAIN and EDIT screens show the DPS24's
background status with a small icon next to the NOW indicator:
The waveform files are actually stored on disk and so do use some disk space. However,
don't be alarmed because the waveform files are relatively small. For example, a 10 second
16-bit recording will be around 1Mb but its waveform file is less then 4kb.
Although principally included to show waveforms in ak.Sys, this function also benefits wave-
form display when using the DPS24's editing functions and it is possible to zoom out much
further when Wave File Gen is enabled:
If you try to zoom out on a track before the waveforms are calculated, you will get the fol-
lowing message in place of the waveform:
Waveform data not yet available
In practice, you shouldn't notice the waveform generation function as it all takes place in the
background. If you are not using ak.Sys or do not need to zoom out very far in the EDIT
pages, you can turn the function off and leave it off. However, if you do switch the function
off and attempt to zoom out too far in the EDIT pages, you will be prompted:
v1.6 Operator’s Manual