
Each input and disk track has its own dynamics processor which is accessed in the DYN page:
When in the Compressor or Noise Gate sub-pages, instead of the EQ curve and controls, you'll
see a graphic designed to illustrate the effect of the chosen dynamics parameter values on the
level of the audio passing through the selected channel.
The graph represents input signal level to the dynamics processing on the X axis vs output level
from the dynamics processing on the Y axis. The linear scale of both axes is from -120dB to 0dB
relative to digital full scale. Meters along the X and Y axes show the actual input and output
signal levels from the channel's dynamics processing unit, on the same scale as the graph's axes.
The grey parallelogram on the graph represents the noise gate's hysteresis setting. If this
parameter is set at or close to 0dB the grey block will not be shown.
The Compressor/Expander parameters are:
Allows you to select whether the processor is a compressor or an expander.
THRESHOLD Sets the level at which the compressor starts to work. Signals below this
level pass through the compressor unaffected - signals above the thresh-
old level are processed according to the settings made below.
RATIO Sets the compression ratio (1:1 > 1:100). When set to 1:100, the compres-
sor acts as a limiter.
ATTACK Sets the period of time before the compressor kicks in. With a fast at-
tack, the signal is processed almost immediately but with longer attack
times, the initial part of the sound can be allowed to pass through unaf-
fected thus preserving any transients.
RELEASE Sets the release time of the compressor (i.e. the time it takes to drop to
normal gain once the signal has dropped below the threshold.
Makes up for any gain reduction that may occur in the compression process.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual