Top Panel
MONO This switches the monitor output to mono. Switching to mono does
not affect the STEREO L/R outputs, only the monitor outputs (MAIN
and NEARFIELD). Thus it is possible to check a mix in mono on the
control room speakers without affecting the STEREO L/R mix to the
master recorder. Similarly, when monitoring the 2-TRACK input (ei-
ther after or during mixdown), it is possible to switch to mono for
reference checking.
NEAR This switches the monitor output from the MAIN outputs to the
NEARFIELD connections on the rear panel.
Typically, the MAIN outputs of the DPS24 will be connected to a high
quality, high power amp/speaker monitoring system whilst the
NEARFIELD outputs will be connected to a smaller system, perhaps
even a domestic hi-fi amp powering smaller speakers. Thus, with
NEAR switched OFF, monitoring will be via the MAIN monitor out-
puts but with NEAR switched ON, monitoring will be via the smaller
amp/speakers. In this way, you can switch between monitoring sys-
tems quickly and conveniently from the DPS24's panel.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual