Sears 831.297741 Fitness Electronics User Manual

up period and enclwith a cool-down period.(See
WORKOUT GUIDEUNES on pages 22 and 23.)
The WARM-UP & COOL-DOWN indicator will
lightwhen your workout intensity is Ideal for
warming up or cooling down.
bum fat effectively, you must exercise at a rela-
tively low intensity level for a sustained period of
time. (See BURNING FAT on page 22.) Ifyou
are exercising at the proper Intensity level for
burning fat, the FAT BURN or MAXIMUM FAT
BURN indicator will light.
AEROBIC--If your goal isto strengthen your
cardiovascular system, your exercise mustbe
"aerobic." (See AEROBIC EXERCISE on page
22.) If you are exercising at the proper intensity
level for aerobic exercise, the AEROBIC indica-
tor will light.
PERFORMANCE--If your goal Is high perfor-
mance athletic conditioning, you will need to ex-
ercise at a high intensity level. If you are exercis-
ing at the proper intensity level, the PERFOR-
MANCE indicatorwill light.
L_lWhen you are finished exercising, stop the walk.
ing belt and remove the key.
Step onto the foot rails, stop the walking belt, and re-
move the key from the console. Store the key ina
secure place. In addition, move the on/off switchto
the "off' position.(See the drawing near the bottom
of page 10.)
Programs A, B, C, and D automatically controlthe
speed of the walking belt as they guide you through ef-
fective workouts. Programs A, B, and C are20-minute
programs; program D is a 30-minute program.The
speed profiles on the left side of the console show how
the speed will change dudng each program. During pro-
gram A, for example, the speed will graduallyir_rease
during the first 10 minutes, and then graduallydecrease
dudng the last 10 minutes. Each program beginswith a
2-minute warm-up period, and ends with a 2-minute
cool-down period.
To use program A, B, C, or D, follow the steps below.
R Make sure that the key is fully Inserted into the
Stand on the foot rails
and insert the key.
Various displays and
Find the clipattached
to the key, and slideit
onto the waistband of
your clothing.
Select program A, B, C, or D.
Press the programbutton
labeled A, B, C, or D. An in-
dicator will light nextto the
button you press. Note: If
the walking belt is moving,
it willslow to a stop.
Enter your weight, if desired.
When program A, B, C, or D is selected, the letters
"LbS" willflash in the CALORIES displayfor seven
seconds, and the current weight settingwillthen be
shown. Although it is not necessary to enter your
weight and age to use one of these programs,the
CALORIES displaywill be more accurate if your
weight and age are entered. If you wantto enter
_;ourweight, see step 3 on page t 1.
Enter your age, if desired.
After you have completed step 3, the letters"AGE"
will flash in the PULSE display for seven seconds,
and the current age setting will then be shown. If
you want to enter yoUrage, see step 4 on page 11.