6.1. Range finder is an opto-electronic device emitting high-
density pulses of dark light at wavelength of 1.06 µm, characterized by
the following dangerous factors according to GOST 12.1. 040-83:
- direct laser radiation;
- mirror-reflected laser radiation;
- diffuse-reflected laser radiation.
Direct and mirror-reflected laser radiation of range finder is
dangerous for eyes at 1700 m distance from range finder when
observing with the naked eye.
Diffuse-reflected laser radiation is dangerous at 0.43 m
distance from reflecting surface.
When observing laser radiation through optical devices these
distances increase according to optical device magnification ratio.
Laser radiant energy density at the outlet of range finder
exceeds permissible level for skin on 16% and when decreasing it
reaches permissible level at 3.77 m distance from range finder.
6.2. According to the degree of laser radiation danger the
range finder pertains to third class laser by GOST 12.1.040-83.
- Binocular switched-on range finder on the friendly personnel and
- Measure distance through window and door glasses;
- Measure distance to mirror-reflecting surfaces (mirrors, car and
building windows, optical components, grinded and polished
surfaces), which are nearer to range finder than 1700 m;
- Direct radiation to diffuse-reflecting surfaces (walls, curtains,
papers), which are nearer to range finder than 0.43 m;
- Inspect the range finder optical components on the housing side
with MEASURE 1 or MEASURE L button depressed.
6.3. Persons who happen to be in a dangerous zone of laser
radiation due to production necessary must put on goggles ZН22-72-
СZС-22-6 GOST 12.4.013-75 or ОZP for eyes protection.
6.4. Admitted to work with the range finder are the following
- Those who reached the age of 18 years old and have no
medical contra-indications on operation with laser emission;
- Instructed on and having studied safe methods of operation
with the range finder according to safety rules;
- Appointed responsible for safe operation of the range finder
by order of the leader of organization where the range finder is used.
6.5. Generated in assemblies and units of the range finder
during its operation is life-hazardous high voltage.
NEVER disassemble the range finder with the power cut in.
Repair the range finder only in specialized shop.
6.6. Between operation periods, be sure to cover the range
finder objective lens with special cap fastened to its housing.
6.7. The persons operating the range finder should be
instructed on methods of giving first medical aid when laser emission
affects eyes and skin.