Lower Back and Core
Standing Abs
Body Position: Stand onto the platform with your hips and knees slightly bent and hands
placed on the handlebars.
Instruction: Engage your abdominals by pressing down on handlebars while keeping the
shoulders back.
Muscle Groups: Abdominals, Lats and Arms
Pelvic Bridge
Body Position: Lying on your back with feet hip width apart
and placed on the vibration plate. Keep your knees bent
at 90 degrees.
Instruction: Tighten your stomach muscles as you exhale and
press your lower back into the floor. Squeeze your glutes and
slowly lift your hips off the floor as you continue to exhale
until your body is in a straight line. Hold this position for
30 seconds or complete repetitions for 30 or more seconds.
Don't forget to Breathe!
Muscle Groups: Glutes, Hamstring and Core
Abdominal Crunch
Caution: This exercise should only be completed at very low frequency speeds. Frequency
higher than level 2 is not recommended. If you experience discomfort stop and move on to
the next exercise.
Body Position: Lay on your back with feet in the air and knees bent at 90 degrees.
Instruction: Take a deep breath in and as you exhale raise your upper torso off the platform
to a crunch position. As you exhale, contract all of your abdominal muscles through the full
range of motion. Repeat for 30 – 60 seconds.
Muscle Groups: Abdominals
Notes: You can complete this exercise with your arms crossed on your chest or your hands
behind your head. Your hands should only provide gentle support on your head. Do not pull up
on your head or neck.