4.3 W
QUICK START is the fastest way to begin exercising and bypasses the steps of selecting a specific
workout program. The intensity level for the workout is set automatically and remains the same
unless manually changed. To change the level, use the LEVEL ARROW keys or use the NUMERIC
KEYPAD to enter a higher or lower level number. After the workout has been in progress for 12 sec-
onds, the MESSAGE CENTER displays “ENTER WEIGHT”, which the computer requires to calcu-
late total calories. Using the ARROW KEYS, increase or decrease the displayed weight to the correct
value (or enter the weight using the NUMERIC keypad).
The MANUAL program sets an intensity level that does not change automatically. While the
workout is in progress, increase or lower the intensity level as desired using the ARROW keys.
The RANDOM program creates a terrain of hills and valleys that varies with each workout. More
than one million different patterns are possible. Because workout levels are greater in this work-
out than in the HILL workout, it is recommended that the RANDOM workout be set one or two
levels lower than the workout level which would normally be selected in the HILL workout.
The FAT BURN workout is designed to maintain a user’s heart rate at 65 percent of the theoretical
for optimal results. Throughout the workout, the user wears a chest strap or grips the
Lifepulse system sensors. If the user is not wearing a chest strap, the WORKOUT PROFILE window
displays a heart shape and the MESSAGE CENTER displays a prompt to grip the sensors. The con-
sole continuously monitors and displays the heart rate, adjusting the intensity level of the Life Fitness
Summit Trainer to reach and maintain the target*. This system eliminates over- and under-training
and maximizes the aerobic benefits of exercise by using the body's fat stores for fuel.
The CARDIO workout is virtually identical to FAT BURN, except the target heart rate is calculat-
ed at 80 percent of the theoretical maximum. As with FAT BURN, the user wears a chest
strap or grips the Lifepulse system sensors throughout the CARDIO workout.The higher target
promotes cardiovascular improvement by placing a heavier workload on the heart muscle.
The Life Fitness-patented HILL workout offers a variety of configurations for interval training. Intervals are
periods of intense aerobic exercise separated by regular periods of lower-intensity exercise. The WORK-
OUT PROFILE window represents these high and low intervals as columns of light, which together have
the appearance of hills and valleys. The computerized interval training workout has been scientifically
demonstrated to promote greater cardio-respiratory improvement than steady-pace training.
Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" as equal to
220 minus an individual’s age.
* Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a 40-year-old user's THR for the FAT
BURN workout is 117. This workout targets 65 percent of the maximum, so the equation would be (220-40)*.65=117.