Step 7:
To install the rest of the springs, follow the above
procedures in the following steps:
a. Attach springs every 6 holes/”V” rings (springs
now at 6, 18, 30, 42).
b. Attach springs every 3 holes/”V” rings (springs
now at 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45).
c. You now have a two spring gap between the
installed springs. Install one spring in each gap in
a circular sequential fashion. Now install the
remaining springs.
As you go through the above procedure, make
sure you haven’t skipped a hole/”V” ring align-
ment. If this happens, recount and remove/
reattach springs as required to re-establish the
proper alignment.
As you perform the spring attachment procedure, be
aware that frame member slip joints can become
“pinch” points. Be careful how you place your hands
in these areas.
Step 9:
Now attach the yellow warning placard using the
enclosed tie wrap. Place it at the point where you will
normally mount the trampoline. The tie wrap should
go around a vertical frame joint and a top rail to keep
it from moving laterally.
Step 8:
Make sure that all parts are securely assembled.
Familiarize yourself and all users of the trampoline with
the care and maintenance instructions, use and instruc-
tional materials, and warranty and safety precautions
contained in this manual before using the trampoline.
CAUTION: Use of this trampoline is not recommended
without the frame pad, which is designed to reduce the
likelihood of injury to the user from coming into contact
with the frame of the trampoline. If you do not have a
frame pad, contact your dealer to obtain a frame pad.
Properly install the frame pad before using the trampo-
Lay the one-piece frame pad (part no. JTR6PW) on
the trampoline so it covers the frame and springs.
Make sure the pad completely covers the frame.
The pad has six (6) sets of attachment straps.
Using the plastic strap buckles and following the
instructions enclosed with them, buckle one set of
straps around the top frame rail at an initial spot
which is designated 12 o’clock. Next buckle the
straps at 4 o’clock, and 8 o’clock. Now buckle the
three remaining sets of straps in a sequential
clockwise fashion. Do not tighten and final-secure
the buckles until the pad is equally positioned and