If a target time was not selected, time will count up from 00:00 to maximum 99:59. When working out with a target time, time will count down
from target to 00:00. When selecting target time, use the +/- buttons, the time will change in 1 minute increments and can range from 1:00 min to
99:00 mins.
Displays current training speed from 0.0 to maximum 99.9 KM or MPH.
Displays current training revolutions per minute.
If a target distance was not selected, distance will count up from 0.00 to maximum 99.90. When working out with a target distance, distance will
count down from target to 0.0. When selecting target time, use the +/- buttons, the distance will change in 0.1 mile increments and can range
from 0.00 miles to 99.90 miles.
If target calories were not selected, calories will count up from 0 to maximum 990. When working out with target calories, calories will count down
from target to 0. When selecting target calories, use the +/- buttons, the calories will change in 10 calorie increments and can range from 0 calo-
ries to 990 calories.
Displays your current heart rate as soon as both hands are holding the pulse sensor. The monitor will detect your heart rate through hand grip
sensors that are located on the handlebar. The pulse value can be set during program setup. During workout, if your actual pulse rate exceeds the
preset value the console will make a double beep sound. Note: It may take several seconds for the electronics to detect and display a heart rate
Displays current training watt figures. A watt is a measurement of the amount of power generated by the user based on the resistance and speed.
Console Information