you can invest later. You need an average of 3 stars or
more (over all your outts) to be successful and open
a market. If you don’t open the market, you can try
again when you’ve earned some more cash.
After each successful show, you’ll review your line. Press
SELECT to choose an item from the top. Then use the
arrows to select a place to put it in your line. You can
have only12 items, so after a few shows you’ll have to replace the old with the
new. You can always keep your favorites, and you don’t have to add all your new
items to your line.
Remember to check how your clothes are selling by viewing your Fashion Report.
Press SELECT on an open market in the Map to see the specics.
There is so much you can do with this design program! Selecting this option from
the Main Menu allows you to design the clothes you want without playing the
game. No rules and no judges. You can save up to 4 outts here. The game will
automatically save them in the hanger icons.
Your turn ends when a Fashion Show is over. A successful show will increase your
income, but whatever your income is, you’ll earn it now. Then you can start a new
turn. Head back to the Magazine to check for new stuff, or head to the Map to
select a new show.