Hasbro Designers World TV Game Games User Manual

a previous outt by pressing SELECT on the appropriate hanger icon. When
you’ve completed all the outts you need for the show, highlight DONE and
press SELECT.
4) Hire Your Models: Your clothes come to life on your models, so pick them
carefully! Each outt you’ve created will appear on the left. Pick which model
you want for each outt. If you change your mind, press CANCEL and you can
start again.
5) Prep Your Models: Pick your models’ hairstyles and
the music they will walk down the runway to. Your
models will pick their moves based on what moves
they know and their condence level.
6) Runway Competition: This is it – the big day! Watch
your models do their thing…and cross your ngers
that they don’t stumble!
7) Judging & Rewards: How did you and your models do? Did the judges like
the fabrics and the quality? Judges award stars and half-stars, plus Diva Points